Monday, February 25, 2008

First Night Alone

Tonight is a first for me. After being married five 1/2 years to my wonderful, terrific husband we are spending the night apart. Well I take that back. When I had my gallbladder out in Jan. I stayed in the hospital alone that night, but I was so drugged and disoriented that it really doesn't count. He is Madison, WI for some work thing that he had to do.
My Pastor has to travel quite a bit for his "Tent making" job and he is gone usually longer then two days. I just don't understand how his wife deals with it so well. I mean my mind tends to run sometime and I can't stop it, and it is usually not with good thoughts. Like what am I going to do if his plane were to crash or he were to get into a car accident over there or something like that. I don't really like to think about what life would be like if he were gone :-(
My best defence to it lately has been to just pray to God and ask for him to take away the thoughts in my head and to give me peace of mind. You want to know the BEST PART? HE DOES!!! He is truly wonderful. I guess that I really answered my own question from earlier How does my pastors wife do it? With the help of the one true almighty God.
With that being said though I can't help but miss Matt when he is gone. The one thing that I am glad of is that this is not a normal thing for his job. My father in law was here this morning and he said that it would be nice if someone noticed Matt and offered him a job traveling around the country doing things like this. All I could think was (NO offence Mike) No Way. Unless I get to go with him :-)
OH yeah there was one other thing that I had forgotten to mention while all of this was going on (Matt leaving) I have also had to deal with having to study for a lab practical. one word to that AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! It is almost too much to handle sometimes.
Well anyway I had better get to bed I suppose some sleep would be good. If that is even possible. :-)


Matt said...

I can't WAIT to be home honey! Less than 24 hours and I should be back in MI. I love you!

Maggie said...

awwww - you two are just TOO cute!!! :) :)

Praise the Lord! His grace really IS sufficient. ;) :)

Love you guys!!